Contributor Spotlight: Jacob M. Appel

“Miracles and Conundrums of the Secondary Planets” by Jacob M. Appel appeared in Issue 32 and can be read here.

We’d love to hear a little more about this story.

I am a professional bioethicist by training and I’ve taught courses focussed on reproductive ethics in the past. One of the challenges of teaching about abortion is persuading students that people who disagree with them on the subject may nonetheless be people of good will—that individuals with different values and premises can reach contrary opinions. I want my students to view those who disagree with them as mistaken, but not evil. Writing about the issue from the point of view of an alien disguised as a Latvian chef struck me as the ideal vehicle for conveying that message.

What was the most difficult part of this particular piece?

Maintaining neutrality on the controversial subjects discussed in “Miracles,” in order to be true to the characters, when I myself have strong personal views of the subject matter. I do hope nobody reading the story comes away believing that it is intended to favor one view of the abortion issue or the other, because it is not.

Recommend a book for us which was published within the last decade.

That’s like Sophie’s choice X 10,000. I am far too indecisive to recommend one book—and I will second guess myself as soon as I do. But as a physician, I highly recommend getting a tetanus each decade.

If you could have a drink with any living author, who would it be? Why?

I don’t drink. But I’d love to have a cup of tea with Connie Converse, the 97-year-old singer-songwriter. She’s been “missing” since the year I was born, but I’m optimistic she has built a new life for herself and is still out there somewhere, writing music. You gotta believe!

What are you working on now? What’s next?

Trying not to get fired and not die of COVID. Also working on a new novel, but my squid keeps running out of ink, so it’s going slowly.

Our thanks to Jacob for taking the time to answer a few questions and share these poems. Read “Miracles and Conundrums of the Secondary Planets” here:


Jacob M. Appel is the author of nineteen volumes of fiction, nonfiction and poetry including Millard Salter’s Last Day (2017). He practices medicine in New York City. More at: