Issue 42
Fiction: Fear Itself by Seth Freeman
- Fiction: Flicker by Claudia Putnam
- Visual Arts: Household, Litterae, Park, Room, Subway, and Dusk by Cinta Vidal Agulló
- Poetry: Ghost Love Child, Blithe Times, and Between Mid-Centuries by Lawrence Bridges
- Poetry: The Book Burners and The Dream of Odysseus by Eric Machan Howd
- Poetry: A Portrait of my Father; The Dying Visions of an American Gangster; and New York, Again by Eros Livieratos
- Fiction: Book of Dreams by Lacy Arnett Mayberry
- Fiction: Public Service by Mark Connelly
- Fiction: Nobody Wants a Crying Stripper by Hannah Sward
- Poetry: Aubade with PTSD, Architects in late October, and Brighton Beach (1983) by Jen Stein
- Fiction: Hunting Lessons David Colosi coming April ’25
- Poetry: Eurydice I, II, and III by Margaret Diehl coming April ’25
Issue 41
Fiction: What Fruit We Bear by Megan Baxter
- Fiction: Don’t Tell Me About Bosnia by Evan Morgan Williams
- Poetry: Our Generation and My Popo Talks to the Air by Xiaoly Li
- Visual Arts: Darker Rooms, Dead Mall, Harbinger, and Wild Youth by Jenna Barton
- Poetry: What We Think We Can’t Give Up, Beyond Language, Looking Across The Bandon to the Ruins of Fort James, and Listening to the Bandon by George Looney
- Poetry: Men Who Eat Ringforts and Take One, Take Two, Take Three by Dawn Tefft
- Poetry: In The Overnight Dark I Eat A Banana, If A Rhino Charges, This Could Be The Night, and Ghosts by John Minczeski
- Fiction: Life Story by Kevin Egan
- Fiction: Trip to Vegas by Brian Christopher Giddens
- Poetry: Fireflies, Saying Goodbyes, and Passover by Marilyn Kallet
- Poetry: Your Goddess Characteristics, Crater Lake, Shade of Night, and These Aren’t The Thoughts by Lawrence Bridges
Issue 40
Fiction: Marsoupiel by Susann Cokal
- Poetry: Before You Know It; Rain Forest, St. Lucia; and What Lightning Spoke by Robert Bensen
- Visual Arts: Artwork by Caleb Worcester
- Fiction: Bluebeard by Mark Brazaitis
- Poetry: Flown, Interstellar, Stuck, and As If by Joan Baranow
- Poetry: Day Breaks and Does Not Mend Anything and Self-portrait with Elegy (II) by Marko Capoferri
- Fiction: The Paper Demon by Rosaleen Bertolino
- Fiction: Chalk by Jay Bechtol
- Fiction: If There Has To Be An Ending, Let It Be A Quiet One by Gabriella Navas
- Poetry: The Heart—in the Woods Behind my Father’s House, We’re All Writing Lake Poems Now, and OCD Sonnet #3 by Zachariah Claypole White
Issue 39
- Poetry: King, Queen, Knight; Leaving the Garden; Homeless; and All This, Just Now, This Once by Richard Wollman
- Fiction: The Do Better Girl by Gail Upchurch
- Visual Arts: Morning Walk, Drop in the Ocean, and Wave by Haylee Morice
- Fiction: Dick Cheney Shot me in the Face by Timothy O’Leary
- Poetry: Becoming Horizon, Gardeners, and Hanahaki by Amanda Shu
- Poetry: Viagra, Ed from the Garage Stops by to talk Philosophy, Bookcase, and The Bun by Trent Busch
- Fiction: Sorry, But I Can’t Take You by Lisa K. Buchanan
- Poetry: Heroin, pt. 1; The Museum of Hospital Art; and Afterlife by Anthony Immergluck
- Fiction: Act of Love by Seth Freeman
- Poetry: Metastasis and That Episode of 90210 When Brenda Finds a Lump by Ja’net Danielo
- Fiction: The Virginity That Goes Hollywood by Tom Kelly
- Hybrid: Flight by Garnett Kilberg Cohen
Issue 38
- Fiction: The Missing Sister by Robert Garner McBrearty
- Poetry: New Year, Spiral, and Father by Xiaoly Li
- Fiction: OMG Winn Handler Moved Next Door by Lesley Bannatyne
- Visual Arts: Whispers, The Wedding Party, Fall, The Game, and Oath Breakers by Aron Wiesenfeld
- Poetry: The Discovery, Blue, and It Begins with Palm Trees by Glen Vecchione
- Fiction: Laid to Rest by Ray Morrison
- Poetry: The Story of a Marriage by Dheepa R. Maturi
- Poetry: Like Only a Woman or Ghost, Prelude: A Vague Inheritance, and Valentine’s Day in Kinsale by George Looney
- Fiction: -yard Shift Grave by Garrett Highley
- Nonfiction: How to Act by Victoria Mack
- Fiction: Our Precogs Have Rejected Your Unwritten Manuscript by Ali Solomon
- Poetry: First Encounter Beach, Sound Mirror, and Overture to Riot in C Major, 1967 by Sheila Sinead McGuinness
Issue 37
- Fiction: Note to Chinese Dad by George Choundas
- Fiction: Sex and the Piano by Annie Dawid
- Poetry: Country Living, How the Weather Was, and Voluptuous Water by William Heath
- Visual Arts: Lamuse Gueule II, Le Tigre Réversible, and Bipédologie N°2 by Bruno Pontiroli
- Fiction: Curses, Foiled Again by Margaret Karmazin
- Fiction: Lisa Hall Smiles by Lowry Pressly
- Poetry: Bach Prelude in C, Newborn, and Elegy by Lisa Rosinsky
- Poetry: Full Disclosure, Whether or Weather, and Good Money by Brad Rose
- Fiction: Mermaids for Seahorses by Joan Slatoff
- Poetry: Elements: Copper, Above the Treeline, and Lilacs in Rain by Joan Colby
- Fiction: The Difference Between There Is and There Are by Liz Rosen
- Poetry: Matriarchy, The Missing, The Vanities, and Sub Rosa by Jane Zwart
Issue 36
- Poetry: Here for Now, One Long Love Letter, Driving My Friend to St. Paul and Back at Night, and Whatever Things are of Good Report by J.P. White
- Fiction: Don’t Tell Anybody What They Are by Athena Nassar
- Visual Arts: Finally Some Sleep, The Path, Garden Ghost, and Doorway 308 by Caleb Worcester
- Fiction: First Kill by Timothy O’Leary
- Poetry: My Own Heart, Waiting, and An Apocalyptic Warning by S. Yarberry
- Fiction: Grab-it Claw by Corinne Silver
- Poetry: Lilith in Exile, Aphrodisiac, and Instillation Artist by Lisa Rosinsky
- Fiction: What You Need to Know About Human Laws Regarding Sexual Harassment When You’re a God and No One Believes in Your Divine Right by Mario Aliberto III
- Poetry: Sensitive; Parted; I’m Not Angry, I’m Disappointed; and I Split the Cherries with my Teeth by Sarah Browning
- Fiction: New Age by Joshua Ambre
- Poetry: The Hard Season, Yard Work, and Sacrifices by Kathleen Lynch
- Fiction: The Date by Chloe Noland
Issue 35
- Fiction: Radiant by Andrea Lewis
- Poetry: The Long Moment, The Torch of Enthusiasm, and The Travesties of Aging by Michael Salcman
- Visual Arts: Knock Knock, Eight Skies, and Ropes by Ninn Salaün
- Fiction: Under The Surface, Under The Light by Chloe Clark
- Fiction: The Marlin by Aaron Calvin
- Poetry: Vincent went off his meds to travel time, Mama told Vincent what the voice said, and Vincent dreams he was a crow by Allen Weber
- Poetry: What the Godmothers Told of Origins, Learning to Fish: Live Bait, and On Death in the Land of COVID-19 by Melanie Perish
- Fiction: The Fairy Tale Machine by Gwendolyn Paradice
- Fiction: A Divorced Man’s Guide to the First Year by Jen McConnell
- Fiction: At A Loss by Maureen O’Leary
- Poetry: The Charm, Spring, and The Cold April Spring Raphael Kosek
Issue 34
- Fiction: Swimming for Shore by Chrissy Kolaya
- Poetry: The Ape in the Garden; Such was the funeral of Hector, breaker of horses; Muscovy Ducks; and Visitors by George Franklin
- Visual Arts: Cimarron Strings, Color TV, and The Sibyl by Dolan Geiman
- Fiction: Goobs by Beston Barnett
- Fiction: The Pitiless Kind by Jeff Bond
- Poetry: The Tree by the Garden Gate, A Nearly Dried-Up Woman, and The Resettlement by Saba Z Husain
- Poetry: Ginger Roots, Stitching Images, and What I Want by Sarah Dickenson Snyder
- Fiction: Dear Madeline by Devin Guthrie
- Poetry: From Beirut (1982-1984): A Cycle of Poetry by Michael Campagnoli
- Fiction: The Wedding Dress by Cynthia Reeves
- Fiction: A Hexed House by Liz Rosen
Issue 33
- Poetry: To You in Your Dark Lake Moving Darkly Now and Odelegy by Ayokunle Falomo
- Fiction: Hunters by John Fulton
- Fiction: The Rest of Us by James Braun
- Fiction: Not in This House by Cate Fricke
- Poetry: Which; Something normal happens in outer space; and Walking on the Franz Josef Glacier, South Island, NZ by Janet Bowdan
- Visual Arts: Hope in NYC Series by Loe Lee
- Poetry: Re: Company Meetings, It’ll Be Great, Making Money in Today’s Market, and Rucksack by Brad Rose
- Fiction: An Execution by Garrett Ashley
- Poetry: Gratitude: A Prayer, Sonnet for My Mother, Gatekeeper, and My Mother’s Mind by Britt Allen
- Poetry: I Meet Afghanistan Beside a Dirt Road Cut Into Mountain, Getting Left of the Boom, No Take Backs, and Afghanistan Speaks About the War by Ben Weakley
- Poetry: A Romantic Life, Laughing It Up, Married to Bukwoski by George Thomas
- Fiction: Community of Caring by Casey Bell
- Poetry: Four Erasures by Sarah-Jane Crowson
Issue 32
- Fiction: Intruders of Sleepless Nights by Pamela Painter
- Poetry: Signs of the Times, What Can’t Hold Up, and Pathos in the Persistence of Hedonism and by George Looney
- Poetry: The Shadow Maker and War in Eurasia by M.B. McLatchey
- Nonfiction: Lips by James McSherry
- Visual Arts: Embracing Earth, Thunder, and Good Night by Jenya Datsko
- Poetry: Bucket of Belief, Innocence Rosy as Fiery Clouds Burned to Bare Boughs, and Midsummer in the Bahamas by Xiaoly Li
- Poetry: Where, Once, Stars Could Be Seen and Near the Field with Stephanie by Kelly R. Samuels
- Poetry: Killer Interiors; Epithalamium at Porrona for Priya & Fabio; and Death, Burning, and Service; by Andy Fogle
- Fiction: Miracles and Conundrums of the Secondary Planets by Jacob M. Appel
- Poetry: Object Permanence, Watching a Brood Hatch with my Mother, and World Books by Dion O’Reilly
- Fiction: Abort by Scott Lambridis
- Poetry: Ghost(ed) Woman, In a Hollow Tree, and When she pouts in the bathtub by Emilie Lindemann
- Nonfiction: On Teaching by Santian Vataj
- Fiction: Dietrich’s Witness by James Ulmer
- Poetry: Body Facts, Hello My Name is, and A Mad Dad Lib by Morgan Eklund
- Poetry: Blocking the Dead and Storm by Pauletta Hansel
Issue 31
- Poetry: The Narrative Soliloquizes and Your Dead Fairymother by Indrani Sengupta
- Fiction: Phases by Chris Vanjonack
- Visual Arts: Screen Shot and others by Jamie Perry
- Poetry: Not Exactly Genesis, Stories Don’t Always Land Straight, and Trace Fossils by Claire Scott
- Fiction: Spirit by Laurence Klavan
- Poetry: Kessler Syndrome, Light Job, Patternicities, and The Schiaparelli Stage by Jacob Strautmann
- Nonfiction: Getting Schooled by Marcos Villatoro
- Poetry: Waking Up Without You, Moonrise, and Sheltering in the Moon by Carol Tyx
- Poetry: Still Cautious, To Clarify, and Autonomous Zone by Joan Mazza
- Fiction: Dowsing by Renée Branum
- Poetry: All The Ways I Mangled My Hands Waiting, Green Onions, and Making Dinner by Alexis Kruckeberg
- Nonfiction: How to Tell The Story by Wren Burton
- Poetry: Notes from the Director, Spring Fever, and Afterlife by Leah Callen
Issue 30
- Nonfiction: Remember Me by Susan Knox
- Fiction: Gorilla Mother by Lyn Stevens
- Poetry: Dream Caused by the Flight…, Four Torch Juggling, and Lost Storyline from The Life of the Flying Man by Roy Bentley
- Poetry: Daughter, Raw Edge, and Baby Buggy Boogie-Woogie by Jennifer Hambrick
- Visual Arts: Surrender and others by Haylee Morice
- Fiction: Postings from My Other Self by William Luvaas
- Fiction: Spooky Distance by A.C. Koch
- Poetry: Milk & Skin, Cold Front, and What to Think Of by Elya Braden
- Fiction: The Lorentz Contraction by John Q McDonald
- Poetry: Four Haiku by Kelly Houle
- Fiction: Breaching by Eva Lomski
- Poetry: Binary; Several Months Before You Were Born, I Married a Man Who Wasn’t Your Father; and Woman Finds Her Face by Lois Marie Harrod
Issue 29
- Fiction: Faith by Annie Dawid
- Poetry: Green Couch, The Old House, In Quarantine, and The New House by Anthony Immergluck
- Fiction: Empty Eyes by Dev Jannerson
- Nonfiction: Black Holes by Bill Capossere
- Visual Arts: Heart of The Country and others by Ninn Salaün
- Fiction: The River After Its Own Tail by Evan Morgan Williams
- Poetry: This Fabulous Century IV, How to Butcher a Pig, and Cost Analysis by Caroline Chavatel
- Nonfiction: Love in the Time of COVID by Eve Muller
- Poetry: Four Haiku by David Bachner
- Poetry: Mystery, Fear, Riot, and The Worst Thing by Jessica Kinnison
- Fiction: The Most Wonderful White Stockings by A. Molotkov
- Nonfiction: Shithead by Sue Granzella
Issue 28
- Fiction: F=d(mv)/dt by Will Donnelly
- Poetry: I’ll Ring You, Frayed Sonnet to a Descendant, and Stolen Beam by Jed Myers
- Visual Arts: Last Day on Earth, Celestial Rain, and Life by Jake Thompson
- Poetry: Afterhours in the Mutter Museum and Night Draws and Erases by Nicole Inge
- Fiction: Remnants by Charlotte d’Huart
- Poetry: Old Photographs: 1924 & 1942, Welcoming Committee, Borders, and Mestiza by Robert René Galván
- Nonfiction: How to Lose Everything in 12 Easy Steps by Alethea Black
- Poetry: A Paper Hive Earns No Quarter, Confessio Inimicus, and In Service by Adam Houle
- Fiction: Fire Season by Colette Langlois
- Fiction: The World As We Know It C.J. Spataro
Issue 27
- Poetry: The Year of Sudden Vanishings by Roy Bentley
- Fiction: Quiltbaby by Kerrin Piché Serna
- Poetry: Consider the Day, When December Runs into a Tree of Gold, and The Reluctant Mourner by Saba Z Husain
- Visual Arts: Fake News by Brian Britigan
- Fiction: The Unseen by James S Kendall
- Poetry: Travels of the Angel of Sorrow by George S. Franklin
- Fiction: Lincoln, Maw and Shorty by Ellen Birkett Morris
- Nonfiction: I Love Lucy by Stephen Akey
- Nonfiction: Love Letter to My Soon to Be 13-Year-Old Black Son by Ryane Nicole Granados
- Poetry: My People, A Blast, and Suburban Landscape (with Flying Saucer) by Brad Rose
- Fiction: The Lifespan of Sparrows by Genevieve Abravanel
Issue 26
- Fiction: No Other You by Ross Showalter
- Poetry: Mother with a Split Tongue, Because God Demands the Silence, and Puberty Subjunctive by Sara Moore Wagner
- Fiction: The Mermaid Problem by Kimi Traube
- Visual Arts: Burning Out and Art Fraud by Brian Britigan
- Fiction: Talisman by Matt Hall
- Poetry: Last night. I couldn’t feel my brain, My stalemate said she was once fingered, and My caseworker said by Sara Lefsyk
- Poetry: Halfway, Sci-Fi, and Samsara by Anthony Immergluck
- Fiction: Dr. A by Elizabeth Logan Harris
- Fiction: The Flesh Inside by Chris Mpofu
- Poetry: Dream, Solace, War, and Colors by María Negroni as translated by Allison A. DeFreese
- Fiction: Youth for Life by Barbara A. Fischer
Issue 25
- Fiction: Scenic Overlook by Anne Ray
- Poetry: Accord, Ceasefire and Not Really a Father by John Sibley Willams
- Visual Arts: Lost at Sea and others by Shawna Gilmore
- Poetry: Locked from the Inside, Getting Smashed, and The Things Between Myself and The Ceiling by Kate Felix
- Poetry: Center Region, Dance, Poetry, and ŚŪNYATĀ by Timothy Lavenz
- Fiction: Bud, Bloom, Seed by Joseph O’Malley
- Poetry: Volant and Confusing the Words Untended with Unintended, We End up with Wild Regrets by Linda Dove
- Fiction: Cocoon by Sam White
- Poetry: Searching for Signs of Hannibal’s Route in DNA from Horse Manure and The Year Elvis Presley Wolf-whistled Lady Luck to a Reciprocated Kiss by Roy Bentley
- Fiction: Language of Crabs by Chelsea Sutton
Issue 24
- Fiction: Visitation by Brendan Stephens
- Poetry: Sonnet, Ephemera, and So priketh hem Nature in hir corages by Aaron Novick
- Poetry: The Arithmetic of Earth, Wind & Fire; Newsflash: Film Star Has Feet of Clay; History Lesson; and Pear by Susannah W. Simpson
- Visual Arts: Universal Understanding, Dark Matter, and Substance by Ashley Mackenzie
- Poetry: The Lone Lands and Cradle Song by Tegan Blackwood
- Fiction: First Kings by Ted Morrissey
- Poetry: On The Diamond…, River Baptism, and Why Palestinian Men… by Roy Bentley
- Poetry: Letting in Daylight, White Voice, and the alarming decline of the bobwhite by Mara Adamitz Scrupe
- Fiction: As Deer Search For Grass by Cassandra Martinez
- Poetry: Freedom and Let Silence Speak by Arthur McMaster
- Fiction: Fǎng by Jim Ruland
- Fiction: Blodeuwedd by Sarah Wheeler
- 2020 Editor’s Reprint Award Results
- 2019 New Writer Awards Results
Issue 23
- Fiction: The Closer You Are by Annie Dawid
- Poetry: Tick More Slowly, Seeking Balance, and A Wheelchair named Prudence by Meg Freer
- Poetry: First Level, Will You Take This, and No Wonder the Advice Columnist is Bitter by Tom C. Hunley
- Visual Arts: Mentem Mortalia Tangunt and more by Sarah Petkus
- Poetry: The Party is Not The Same, Eden is Overrated, and Is This What It Comes to at the End by Claire Scott
- Poetry: A Day Made of Atoms Like Ours, Nearing The After, Through the Blows, and Poem for My Country by Jed Myers
- Fiction The Bigamist’s Accomplice by Jacob M. Appel
- Fiction: Little Green Devils by James Winter
- Poetry: Borrowed Trouble: Four Micro-Tributes by Brian Beatty
- Fiction: Sparrow by Yilin Wang
- Poetry: Here and There, The October Year, and Time To Murder and Create by Jody Brackett Crowe
- Poetry: Three Proximate Sonnets by Ted Jean
- 2019 Editor’s Reprint Award Results
Issue 22
- Fiction: Witchcraft by John Van Kirk
- Poetry: Housekeeping and If a Bear by Devika Brandt
- Fiction: Where’s The Baby by Kelly Fordon
- Visual Arts: Garden of Adjacent Possibilities, Passages, and Reflections by Dorian Vallejo
- Poetry: Tulpa Marriage, Tessera, Request, and Enargeia by Joseph Harms
- Fiction: Talkeetna Fog by Alex Blum
- Poetry: All 8,294,400 Pixels Point in the Same Direction and Sea of Origami Birds by Darcy Smith
- Poetry: Soil Song, Little Grandpa Joe, and Were you close to your mother? by Patricia Zylius
- Fiction: The Monster by Steve Berta
- Fiction: Peter Pan People by Elisa Abatsis
- Poetry: Time Travel, The Fourth Madness, and Merely Human by Leland Seese
Issue 21
- Fiction: After The Monkey by Susan Robison
- Poetry: Timber Lorries; Honey Bee, LanikaiIt; and Kailua Blue by Robin Kozak
- Poetry: Roil, Semper Augustus, and He Questioned Everything, Starting with the Pile of Balloons by Eric Stiefel
- Visual Arts: Japanese Lanterns by Gary Ruddell
- Fiction: Storm Chasers by Bryana Fern
- Fiction: Sean Will Eat (or Drink) Anything (Except Straight-Up Poison) For $35 by Andreas Trolf
- Poetry: Company and To the Mortician by Hannah Butcher
- Fiction: The Best One-Armed Waiter in the West by Jen McConnell
- Nonfiction: Letters from Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum by Jessica McCaughey
- Fiction: Cleaner Houses by Eric Rasmussen
- Poetry: Drinking With the Rinpoche and Plain Prairie Gown by Stephanie JT Russell
- 2018 New Writer Awards Results
Issue 20
- Nonfiction: Home Care by Jennifer Anderson
- Fiction: Christmas Charm by Robert Pope
- Poetry: Dreaming Motherwell: Blue Air; Microburst, Blowdown, Lightning; and Magritte on Horseback by B.J. Buckley
- Poetry: The Second Opinion, Leaves of Absence, and Segue by Heikki Huotari
- Visual Arts: Phi and Midnight by Alex Garant
- Fiction: Motherhood by Eri Cavalieri
- Poetry: Iris Dreams of a Cage, Iris Understand Umbra, and Iris Reads Poetry into the Void by Diane Sahms-Guarnieri
- Poetry: A Gun is A Gun is A, The Prodigal Daughter, and American Eschatology by Emma Bolden
- Fiction: Darlington Gun Works by Randy Shelley
- Poetry: Tonight, I Think I’ll Drive the Mail Truck Home; Between a Rock and a Hard Place; and Got Lucky by Brad Rose
- Poetry: The Ivories, Boat Burial, and Mother/Mars by Pepper Trail
Issue 19
- Fiction: Search, Rescue, Recovery by Jamie Lyn Smith
- Poetry: Sour Milk Sky, Seismic, and In the New World by John Sibley Williams
- Poetry: Reform And The Rest, Death Portrait, This Turnip, and The Works by Sarah McCann
- Visual Arts: Snake Fight and Sweet Buddha Eric Joyner
- Fiction: Referential by Sean Bernard
- Fiction: The Curious Notebooks of Motel 6 by Mary Kay Jennings
- Poetry: Feldspar Citta, Jokai, Godo, Amida, and Densu Swale by Adam Day
- Fiction: Over at Four by Patrick St. Amand
- Poetry: All Winter I Remained With the Dead, How Many Times Mayakovsky, and Black-capped Chickadees by Dianna Henning
- Fiction: So Doth The Swan by Susan Frith
- Poetry: Reverberating String, Out of the Light in Leaves, and The Life of Lightning by James Grabill
- Poetry: So This is the Afterlife; Gaia; DC, 1978; and Rescue by Anna Scotti
Issue 18
- Fiction: Thrillville, USA by Taylor Koekkoek
- Poetry: Osteosarcoma: A Love Poem, Grace Lesson, and Manners of The Flesh by Yvonne Zipter
- Fiction: The Entomologist by Hadley Moore
- Visual Arts: The Shinto Bride and Man in a Golden Helmet by Rembrandt by Kimiko Yoshida
- Poetry: I, Vulture, The Natural History of a Blade, and Old Machine by Philip Arnold
- Fiction: Girls, Girls, Girls by Cady Vishniac
- Poetry: Howlin’ Wolf’s Arena, Bud Powell’s Brain, and Sun Ra’s* Spaceship by Sean Murphy
- Poetry: Ban, Winner, and Threat by Lucas Jacob
- Fiction: Remember to Awe by Mary Pat Musick
- Poetry: At Home with Angels, Madame Vuillard and the Hydrangeas, and In the Luxembourg Gardens by Jack Stewart
- Poetry: The Routine: Do the Dishes Again, Poetry Business #2, and All Seven Email Accounts by Darren Demaree
- Fiction: Le Problem Being by Kate Osana Simonian
- Poetry: Cool, Before the Last Shot, Black Hair, and Murambi (Rwanda, 2008) by Carlos Andrés Gómez
- 2018 Editor’s Reprint Award Results
Issue 17
- Poetry: So the sky moves, Even the gods, and Oxygen, fire by John Sibley Williams
- Fiction: The Faultless Sky by Kathryn Henion
- Poetry: Everybody Ought to Love and Dungeons and Dragons by Alexander Payne Morgan
- Visual Arts: Emergency Escape Plan, Palmistry, and In Case of Emergency by Jazzberry Blue
- Fiction: The Transformative Effect of Sparkly Red Shoes by Lisa Sharon
- Poetry: California Gray, Eavesdrop, and Mulberry by Cynthia White
- Fiction: The Brightmore Problem by Bruce Johnson
- Fiction: Rites by Rachel Ann Brickner
- Poetry: New Barn, Home, and Snow/Whose Child by Autumn McClintock
- Poetry: Four Erasures by Sonja Johanson
- Fiction: The Seams by Michael Chin
- Poetry: Bubbly, Cake, and Chew by Amanda Chiado
- 2017 New Writer Award Results