Poetry by Kate Felix

Read More: A brief interview with Kate Felix

Locked from the Inside

A violation

bends the circle’s edges inward.

I think of that wind
in Grand Central Station,
the soft light as it cascades to the ground,
blinking shadows
as the figures pace the space

My brain brims with airplanes, aliens, and
booted men

and when I consider midnight
from the inside out

I will always wonder

who shot
all those holes in the sky?


Getting Smashed

You and I and mayonnaise
jars in the concrete culvert
brim with mixed spirits
another hit
from your dad’s stash

a foul-weather river
chases wasted spaces
with rip sufficient
to carry us beneath

up past the variety store
and the Baptist chapel
across to the school yard
where we’d squat in corduroys
torn at the knees […]

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The Things Between Myself and My Ceiling

I inhale our lost days
through summers of apple blossom
and brandy.

Your frayed aces
on the languid veranda,
sweat scented polyester
and Virginia Slims.

My reverent cackles
as you foxed me
of my fifties
and tucked them like kittens
into your brassiere. […]

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Kate Felix (She/Her) is a writer and filmmaker based in Toronto. Her work has appeared in Room Magazine, Litro, and Cream City Review, among others. Her feminist short films have been selected for over fifty independent film festivals worldwide and have won numerous filmmaking and screenwriting awards. She is currently at work on a stage play. Her small daughter describes her as being ‘like a rainbow but with one stripe made of darkness’. Find her online at www.katefelix.com or @kitty_flash on twitter.

Read More: A brief interview with Kate Felix